Fine Wine Diary The Bailey brothers have now tasted 12082 wines in 28 years 10 months and 13 days
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Diary index

Wine group at MM's 24/04/2006 (TNB)

Easter weekend 16/04/2006 (TNB)

15/04/2006 (RJB)

A well travelled wine 15/04/2006 (RJB)

With dinner at the Anchor Inn, Walberswick 06/04/2006 (RJB)

The Diary - April 2006

Wine group at MM's 24/04/2006 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 10/05/2006   Return to top

Easter weekend 16/04/2006 (TNB)

  • Leoville Barton 1983 Very classic cedary, mature Claret nose. Classic on the palate too, but there is an air of living dangerously, of corruption, and a general hint that the wine will crack up. Really needs food now and probably should be drunk in the next year or two. ***
  • Leoville Poyferre 1983 Classic again on the nose, but a rather fresher, more stable palate with complex multi-faceted fruit. Once open for an hour or so it becomes fragrant and high-toned. Drinking well and no hurry to consume. ****
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 16/04/2006   Return to top

15/04/2006 (RJB)

This was one of three Chapel Down wines (and a few refreshing and pleasing bottled beers) supplied by the winery.
  • Bacchus Reserve 2003 (Chapel Down) I don't get to try an awful lot of Bacchus nowadays, although way back I used to attend the English Wine Fair and try samples there. I can't say I miss it much. This wine is floral, grapefruity and with hints of sauvignon-like flavours. Strangely for a cleanly made 11% white wine, it isn't the sort of stuff you want to drink a whole bottle of - it's not unpleasant, just that the acidity and fruit somehow manage to dull the tastebuds. Hopefully the Champagne style Pinot that was also sent will be more interesting. *
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 19/04/2006   Return to top

A well travelled wine 15/04/2006 (RJB)

Does wine travel well? This Champagne seems to have. Packing the car recently, I opened up one of the underfoot storage compartments to pack a bottle of fizz when I found - to my surprise - a bottle already in there. This, I worked out, had been in the car for the last couple of months (going everywhere the car went - a thousand miles or so - in the cold and in the warm). Unfortunately I didn't have another, untravelled bottle of this around for comparsion.
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 19/04/2006   Return to top

With dinner at the Anchor Inn, Walberswick 06/04/2006 (RJB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 10/04/2006   Return to top