Fine Wine Diary The Bailey brothers have now tasted 12082 wines in 29 years 1 months and 8 days
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Burgundies at Oddbins Fine Wine 31/08/2003 (TNB)

Misc. wines drunk recently 14/08/2003 (TNB)

La Mare Vineyards, Jersey 14/08/2003 (TNB)

At Harvey Nichols Spanish evening 14/08/2003 (TNB)

Dinner at my place with D.N., Z.M. and some of the lads 04/08/2003 (TNB)

03/08/2003 (RJB)

The Diary - August 2003

Burgundies at Oddbins Fine Wine 31/08/2003 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 31/08/2003   Return to top

Misc. wines drunk recently 14/08/2003 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 14/08/2003   Return to top

La Mare Vineyards, Jersey 14/08/2003 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 14/08/2003   Return to top

At Harvey Nichols Spanish evening 14/08/2003 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 14/08/2003   Return to top

Dinner at my place with D.N., Z.M. and some of the lads 04/08/2003 (TNB)

  • Maximin Grunhaus Herrenberg 1966 Auslese Dodgy cork and maderised. Too common with German wines of this era - even the best estates. Not Rated
  • Puligny Montrachet Les Demoiselles 1992 (Colin-Deleger) Everthing one could desire from Puligny: minerality, oily hazelnut character, a real sense of terroir. This seems to be the longer-lived and finer than Colin-Deleger's Chassagne wines - there is no hurry to drink this. *****
  • Puligny Montrachet La Truffiere 1992 (J-M Boillot) Richer than the previous wine and with a delightful creamy texture. A different style of Puligny perhaps and of course a different vineyard. Lovely, but I slightly prefer the Colin-Deleger wine. *****
  • Meursault Charmes 1990 (Jobard) Quiite different from the previous two, more because of Jobard's very restrained ageworthy style than anything I suspect, although the vintage is a little that way too. Again mineral, and it opens up in the glass and will benefit from a few more years in cellar. It does have a slightly rustic character by comparison with the Pulignys but still makes ****(*)
  • Richebourg 1986 (Gros Frere et Soeur) This is the best 86 I can remember with lovely ripe red fruits, good concentration and possibly a touch of astringancy at the end of the finish to remind one that this is from such a poor vintage. DN remarked that we had really caught the moment with this wine and I could fancifully get carried away with the idea that yesterday and tomorrow it would be just slightly less good! **** plus
  • Romanee St Vivant 1980 (Marey-Monge - DRC) I failed to write much of a note at the time because of cooking, but this was everything you might hope for. Superb. *****
  • Vosne Romanee La Grande Rue 1978 (Lamarche) Higher-toned than the previous wines - very fine. Perfectly mature. Dry, attractive and moderately long. ****
  • Gevrey Chambertin Clos St Jacques 1964 (Rousseau) Sweet and fine - rather attractive if perhaps a touch awkward, at least compared to the brilliant 62 of this drunk last year. Needs drinking. ****
  • Robustus Quinta do Carril 1990 (Niepoort) Nicely herby, rich fresh fruit. A bit volatile however. Nice blackberry fruit - volatility seems to blow off a bit. Hard for this to follow the great Burgundies but it is very characterful - probably just about merits ***
  • Vouvray Le Haut Lieu 1947 (Huet) Green rim. Brown sugar yet completely fresh, gorgeous, complex fruit. A legendary wine for good reason! ******
  • Niepoort 1963 Attractive red fruits. Typical Niepoort palate with lots of chocolate. A very good 63 ****
  • Grahams 1963 (bottled by Corney and Barrow) Not so attractive - and a touch spirity on the finish. This doesn't really seem to be going anywhere. ***
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 04/08/2003   Return to top

03/08/2003 (RJB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 03/08/2003   Return to top