Fine Wine Diary The Bailey brothers have now tasted 12082 wines in 29 years 1 months and 8 days
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Diary index

28/02/2009 (TNB)

Wine group with Z.M. 24/02/2009 (TNB)

22/02/2009 (TNB)

And something that has aged nicely 21/02/2009 (TNB)

Three recent wines that have not aged gracefully 08/02/2009 (TNB)

The Diary - February 2009

28/02/2009 (TNB)

  • Chateau Cantemerle 1970 A little cool at first and rather thin. A little more fruit and nice mature Claret flavours emerge as it warms up, but it is a little hollow and showing its age now. **
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 28/02/2009   Return to top

Wine group with Z.M. 24/02/2009 (TNB)

All consumed with a very fine meal at the Vintners Rooms.
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 18/03/2009   Return to top

22/02/2009 (TNB)

  • Cotes du Jura, Vin de Pialle 2002 (Alain Labet) Lovely fruit, rich and quite sweet yet it has balancing acidity. As it warms close to room temperature (fresh from the cellar was too cold), it has a gorgeous apricot and brown sugar quality. Really lovely. It has an air of timelessness, and could well improve. It's hard to say. (From a half.) ****
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 22/02/2009   Return to top

And something that has aged nicely 21/02/2009 (TNB)

  • Brauneberger Juffer-Sonnenuhr Spatlese 1990 (Fritz Haag) Gentle, mature, limey fruit with a touch of remaining sweetness and refreshing acidity. For drinking in the next year or two - perhaps not surprising given it's towards the end of its second decade of life. Really very drinkable. Top ***
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 21/02/2009   Return to top

Three recent wines that have not aged gracefully 08/02/2009 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 08/02/2009   Return to top