Fine Wine Diary The Bailey brothers have now tasted 12082 wines in 29 years 1 months and 10 days
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Diary index

30/06/2000 (TNB)

1993 and 1994 Claret 28/06/2000 (TNB)

Wine group @ E.McC's 26/06/2000 (TNB)

25/06/2000 (RJB)

24/06/2000 (TNB)

21/06/2000 (TNB)

Wine dinner @ DL's 18/06/2000 (TNB)

Noel Young Wines tasting of Veritas and Magpie Estate Wines with Rolf Binder 14/06/2000 (RJB)

10/06/2000 (RJB)

10/06/2000 (TNB)

Gang of 6 Champagne and Pinot Noir tasting 08/06/2000 (RJB)

07/06/2000 (TNB)

04/06/2000 (TNB)

The Rhone at OFW 01/06/2000 (TNB)

The Diary - June 2000

30/06/2000 (TNB)

  • Clos des Papes 1997 Lightish weight, and probably won't put on a lot. Lovely old-vin textured cough-sweet Grenache fruit though. A good drink but not a great Clos des Papes. **
  • Rose 1999 (Redoma) Niepoort's rose has a lovely rose-scented nose and a solid dry palate of delicious fruit. About as good as rose gets to my mind. **
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 30/06/2000   Return to top

1993 and 1994 Claret 28/06/2000 (TNB)

Tasted blind, very much confirmed my prejudices, that the '93s usually have a streak of unripe tannins, making them a bit mean and unenjoyable as well as a bit thin *, whereas the '94s are good classic claret **(**)

  • Second vin de Mouton Rothschild 1993 Warmish, raspberry, plummy, ripe fruit. Slightly green tannins. Good acidity. Slightly lean and mean. Reasonable length. *
  • Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1993 Coffee and chocolate, soft and forward. Acidity there. Not over-made, and so circumvents the faults of the vintage. Excellent effort. **
  • Chateau Pichon Baron 1994 Soft plummy fruit. Some tannins hiding. It does have length but it seems that the fruit quality is too soft for seriousness. Not in the same league as the Lalande. *(*)
  • Chateau Pichon Lalande 1994 Dense (closed?) nose, good balance and structure. Good finish. Rather good I think but needs time. *(**), perhaps more.
  • Chateau Cos d'Estournel 1993 Medium weight. Refined palate. Very 93 - the usual problems. Also not terribly Cos to my palate - I expect more weight and rusticity. *(*)
  • Chateau Leoville Poyferre 1993 Austere, grippy tannins. Good acidity and structure. Ambitious. Some classic Bordeaux nose. Could be good if it works. (**)
  • Chateau Latour 1994 Harmonious, pencily, all the components. Long. Very serious indeed, but seems more Lafite than Latour to me at this stage. Lovely though. **(**)
  • Chateau Lynch Bages 1994 Blackberry fruit and a big tannic hit. Seems disjointed at the moment and lacking in fineness. The latter seems a common problem with this estate. Perhaps fifth growth was right on the money. *(**)
  • Sassicaia 1994 Blackberry liquor, big, short and odd. And those tannins. Spicy oak. Not my thing (unless it turns out stunning with age). *(*)
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 28/06/2000   Return to top

Wine group @ E.McC's 26/06/2000 (TNB)

Interesting to taste some Bourgeois '82 clarets together. They were of a very consistent high standard, and just starting to drink well. On this showing, *** for them (which is good going) in what is surely a ***** claret vintage, whatever people have been saying recently.

  • Piesporter Goldtropfchen Cabinet 1992 (R Haardt) Hint of sweetness (seems of Spatlese quality), some evolution, good acidity. Very good. At least *(*)
  • Gracher Himmelreich Kabinett 1992 (J.J. Prum) Creamy, keroseney, interesting nose. Very spritzy (as often with this producer - it is present perhaps to an extreme in this wine). Seems shortish, but maybe just still tightly wound. I'd like to taste this again in a few years. For now *(**)
  • Arley Blanc: Caves Jean Bourdy 1952. Honeyed, sherried, nutty, attractive old wine. Pleasant, oxidation showing a bit in the finish perhaps, but a nice drink if one likes old whites. (Apparently a wine from Ch. d'Arley in the Jura, imported by an enthusiast and bottled for him by Army and Navy!) Not everybody's taste, but for me ***
  • Meursault 1986 (Jobard) Still tight (could do with a few years), hazelnutty, nice balance and length. First class, particularly for a village wine. At least **(*)
  • Meursault Genevrieres 1985 (Hospices de Beaune) Good length and concentration, fattish, and a bit monolithic at least at the moment. **
  • Chardonnay 1983 (Hanzell) A Californian, quite fat, soft fruit, but age has brought it into nice balance. **
  • Chateau Haut Marbuzet 1982 Soft, merloty, mature Bordeaux, quite oak-influenced, a shade New-Worldy almost. A good, attention-grabbing drink. ***
  • Chateau Poujeaux 1982 Lifted cherry and blackcurrant. Nice acidity. Well made. ***
  • Chateau Tronquoy Lalande 1982 Fine old claret structure, good ripe fruit but pleasantly lean. Needs a year or two. **(*)
  • Chateau Cissac 1982 Middle of the road claret, notable tannins, one of the weaker wines in this flight, but a goodish Cissac. **
  • Chateau Les Ormes de Pez 1982 Quite classy, complex fruit. Again, plenty of ripeness. Stands out from the competition a bit. ***
  • Chateau Branaire Ducru 1982 Bags of ripe raspberry fruit. Good balance, delicious. Justifies its rating: just a bit more of everything than the Bourgeois. ***(*)
  • Moulin Touchais 1976 Very barley-sugar and honey. Sweetness mellowed by age. Rather finer than I expect from this property. Aged really well. ****
  • Moulin Touchais 1959 Barley-sugar again. Rather fine wine from a brilliant vintage. Perhaps should be drunk rather than kept a lot longer. ****
  • Taylor 1970 Bags of sweet, fruit-pastel (blackberry/raspberry) fruit. Youthful (we were guessing 85), has everything, already lovely, will be great! ***(**)
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 26/06/2000   Return to top

25/06/2000 (RJB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 25/06/2000   Return to top

24/06/2000 (TNB)

  • Bairrada Reserva 1991 (Faria) Lots of fruit, with some real meaty depth. Lots of structure, marked tannins, ripe but quite severe. Lots of character. Rather good but needs a few years yet. Perhaps even *(**)
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 24/06/2000   Return to top

21/06/2000 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 21/06/2000   Return to top

Wine dinner @ DL's 18/06/2000 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 18/06/2000   Return to top

Noel Young Wines tasting of Veritas and Magpie Estate Wines with Rolf Binder 14/06/2000 (RJB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 14/06/2000   Return to top

10/06/2000 (RJB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 10/06/2000   Return to top

10/06/2000 (TNB)

  • Chateau Verdignan 1982 Nice fruit, in quite a leafy way, with some pleasant tertiary claret notes. Probably a shade past peak, but drinking nicely enough. (My last remaining bottle of a small amount of wine bought in my misguided youth from a French supermarket. It's turned out quite well, considering the provenance - the vintage does it, I suppose. I rather fancy that's my last bottle of wine from any supermarket anywhere, and good riddance!) *
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 10/06/2000   Return to top

Gang of 6 Champagne and Pinot Noir tasting 08/06/2000 (RJB)

As usual for these events, the wines tasted blind.

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 08/06/2000   Return to top

07/06/2000 (TNB)

  • Tokay St Catherine Clos des Capucins 1994 (Weinbach) I remember this as quite funky a couple of years ago when I bought it. Now big, intense, long, nearly dry with good acidity. The fruit is difficult to put a name to. I think it's just a bit closed. Will be excellent. At least **(*)
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 07/06/2000   Return to top

04/06/2000 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 04/06/2000   Return to top

The Rhone at OFW 01/06/2000 (TNB)

  • Crozes-Hermitage blanc 1997 (Jaboulet-Aine) Floral, wet stones, very Marsanne, fat, concentrated. No very great length or prospects. Not bad. (14.99) *
  • Viognier 1997 (Heggie - Yalumba) Peachy Viognier, apricots, low acid, a shade simple. Not Condrieu, but enjoyable. (12.99) *
  • Condrieu VT Ayguets 1997 (Cuilleron) Very honeyed, caramelised, Jaffa cakes. I think these sweet Viogniers that this producer makes are a mistake because they are so cloying with the very low acidity of the grape. Also not cheap! (27.99 - 50cl) *
  • Cote-Rotie Bassenon 1997 (Cuilleron) Slightly peppery. Tannins, but little acidity and finishes a shade short. I find this producer's whites a bit heavy and his reds often of no great quality. The estate has been heavily Parkerised. (23.99) *
  • Cote-Rotie Les Jumelles 1997 (Jaboulet-Aine) Figgy, burnt rubber nose. Cooked fruit palate. Northern Rhone style, but not particularly Cote-Rotie to me. I think it is a long time since the general run of Jaboulet's reds (apart from the La Chapelle, St Pierre and Thalabert that is) were better than just goodish. (25.99) *(*)
  • St Joseph Serines 1997 (Cuilleron) Blackberry fruit, quite fine. Decent acidity, reasonable length. Way above Cuilleron's usual quality. (29.99 - a record for the appellation?) **
  • Cornas St Pierre 1997 (Jaboulet-Aine) Blackberry liqueur fruit, very leafy. Striking density. Not a great drink to my mind at the moment, but I expect it's going somewhere. It may even be brilliant in a few years. (29.99) At least **(*)
  • Crozes-Hermitage Raymond Roure 1997 (Jaboulet-Aine) Very nicely balanced classic blackberry fruit with decent concentration. This new vineyard of PJA probably has potential. (14.99) **(*)
  • RSW Shiraz 1997 (Wirra Wirra) Eucalyptus, slight pencil notes, a bit soft and anonymous. Pretty Ozzy! (14.99) *
  • Chateau de Beaucastel 1997 Seems very Grenache influenced (cherry fruit) for Beaucastel, fine and attractive, medium weight, but I suspect it will put on a bit more in the bottle. Not a great Beaucastel, but classy as usual. *(**)
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 01/06/2000   Return to top