Life, the universe and everything 05/06/2017 (TNB)
- Leoville Barton 1975
If the answer is 42, the question might be how many years will it take a decent claret from 1975 to come round. I have had a few of these over the years and this one was not tired like the last I had, but was a delicious, smoky, cedary mature wine. They don't make them like this any more! Bare
- Beaune 1er cru Greves 1998 (Lafarge)
This is rather tough, angular, difficult wine. It has a distinct Bovril, meatiness to the fruit. A challenge, but rewarding. It is hard to see where it is is going.
- Masieri 2011 (La Biancara di Angiolino Maule)
Very much the "natural wine" character of bruised apples, although the label claims it contains sulfites. Whatever, for me there are too many of this sort of not really enjoyable examples and it puts me off natural white wines.
- Morgon Cote du Py 2015 (Jean Foillard)
On the other hand this, from an estate which I believe tends towards "natural", is comppletely delicious with lovely, silky, beautifully balanced fruit. A treat. Bare
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 05/06/2017 Return to top