Fine Wine Diary The Bailey brothers have now tasted 12082 wines in 29 years 6 months and 17 days
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Diary index

Wine group at J.Mac's 30/03/2009 (TNB)

Dinner at the SuperBOWL 07/03/2009 (TNB)

Remoissenet reds at the SuperBOWL 07/03/2009 (TNB)

Offline before the SuperBOWL 06/03/2009 (TNB)

The Diary - March 2009

Wine group at J.Mac's 30/03/2009 (TNB)

Well, the main theme was bottles (often last bottles) bought from the famed J.E. Hogg Edinburgh wine shop.
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 06/05/2009   Return to top

Dinner at the SuperBOWL 07/03/2009 (TNB)

The end of a great event, wines flying round everywhere and more talking than tasting and more tasting than note-taking. A number of things were not even written down. Impressions and scores to be taken with a pinch of salt - perhaps a whole table spoon of it.
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 23/03/2009   Return to top

Remoissenet reds at the SuperBOWL 07/03/2009 (TNB)

I found these notes hanging around - I thought I had put them up long ago. The current owners really know nothing about the old reds and how they might have been produced. The recent ones are pretty decent without, to my palate, being very exciting.
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 13/06/2009   Return to top

Offline before the SuperBOWL 06/03/2009 (TNB)

All with a really splendid meal at Braidwoods.
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 18/03/2009   Return to top