Fine Wine Diary The Bailey brothers have now tasted 12082 wines in 29 years 6 months and 17 days
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With LJM 31/03/2012 (RJB)

At Home recently 21/03/2012 (TNB)

The Diary - March 2012

With LJM 31/03/2012 (RJB)

  • Champagne 1989 (Gosset) I’m pretty sure that this was the 1989, but the label had fallen off and no one had been thoughtful enough to print the date on the cork. Anyhow, this is lovely old Champagne with the fizz jut beginning to fade a touch. Elegant and refined with the darker notes of age. ****
  • Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese 1989 (Kerpen) Almost top notch, but it had that slight apple wood flavour that some old Riesling tends to get and, of which, I’m not a great fan. ***
  • Chambertin Grand Cru 1997 (A. Rousseau) Why is good red Burgundy so hard to describe? With other wines I would be droning on about complexity, with this one it is the pure simplicity that makes it great. It is the perfect chord: a flavour that sings in complete harmony in the mouth. A joy. *****
  • Chateau Leoville Barton 1986 Rather closed on this showing. Good and no rush to drink up. ****
  • Chateau Bastor-Lamontagne 1988 From a half. I still have a few of these knocking about, and they are still just fine for the end of a meal. Exactly what one would expect of reasonable Sauternes that is ageing gracefully. A top ***
  • Warre’s 1963 Vintage Port, Dolamore label Weaker than I was expecting in colour and in depth of flavour. Otherwise fine, rounded and drinking well. ***
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 11/04/2012   Return to top

At Home recently 21/03/2012 (TNB)

  • Carricante 2007 (Calabretta) Splendid stuff. The fruit doesn't scream about particular fruits thank goodness, but it is dense and intriguing. Good concentration and an attractive trace of bitterness. Drinking wine. Top ***
  • Barolo Riserva Vigneto Rocchette 1996 (Accomasso) I recall this in its dense, tannic youth. It's opening out nicely now - lovely traditional Barolo, tar and roses. Still on the climb I think but thoroughly enjoyable. Bare ****
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 21/03/2012   Return to top