Fine Wine Diary The Bailey brothers have now tasted 12082 wines in 28 years 10 months and 13 days
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Diary index

A dinner at D.L.'s 31/05/2008 (TNB)

Wine group at J.M's 26/05/2008 (TNB)

24/05/2008 (TNB)

From the cellar recently 16/05/2008 (TNB)

09/05/2008 (TNB)

03/05/2008 (TNB)

The Diary - May 2008

A dinner at D.L.'s 31/05/2008 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 06/07/2008   Return to top

Wine group at J.M's 26/05/2008 (TNB)

Interesting to taste a flight of Lynch-Bages. The wines are very good but seem lacking in the minerality and precision I would hope for in (say) a second growth. I am not sure that the classification system greatly under-rates this property, as many seem to claim.
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 07/06/2008   Return to top

24/05/2008 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 24/05/2008   Return to top

From the cellar recently 16/05/2008 (TNB)

  • Meursault Les Meix Chavaux 2002 (Roulot) In some ways, not a remarkable wine - not so terribly complex in particular. Yet this is so completely harmonious that one always wants an extra glass. There's a sense of easy balance that one tends to have to pay serious money for. Starting to drink nicely. Top ***
  • Chianti Classico Riserva Rancia 1997 (Felsina Berardenga) Substantial wine, juicy like all the best Chianti yet with serious depth. One of my favourite Chiantis although I do question the sort of prices now asked. Like many 97's it is relatively forward. ***
  • Beaunce 1er cru Greves 1997 (Lafarge) Lafarge is never easy drinking. This is light-coloured and still quite tannic, a touch hard, but I think it has the fruit to develop further. Good already in its slightly challenging way. *** and rising to the top of the range.
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 16/05/2008   Return to top

09/05/2008 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 09/05/2008   Return to top

03/05/2008 (TNB)

  • Champagne Cramant Grand Cru Perle NV (Lilbert) What was once "Cremant de Cramant", beautiful tiny bubbles a bit less fizzy than standard Champers. This is lemony and restrained. Quite dry and very elegant, unassertive but with a good depth and a touch of minerality. Will probably still improve. Top *** - maybe more
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 03/05/2008   Return to top