Fine Wine Diary The Bailey brothers have now tasted 12082 wines in 28 years 10 months and 13 days
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Diary index

29/05/1998 (RJB)

La Potiniere 29/05/1998 (TNB)

Misc 28/05/1998 (TNB)

Dinner at V&C 28/05/1998 (TNB)

White Burgundy 96 at OFW 27/05/1998 (TNB)

Wine group at Dougie's 25/05/1998 (TNB)

Gang of Five 17/05/1998 (RJB)

Baccahanalia's Cambridge Wine Fair 13/05/1998 (RJB)

09/05/1998 (RJB)

Aldo Conterno at Noel Young Wines 08/05/1998 (RJB)

08/05/1998 (RJB)

Aldo Conterno at V&C 06/05/1998 (TNB)

04/05/1998 (RJB)

The Diary - May 1998

29/05/1998 (RJB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 29/05/1998   Return to top

La Potiniere 29/05/1998 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 29/05/1998   Return to top

Misc 28/05/1998 (TNB)

Some odd things tasted over a week or two but not noted.
  • Chateau d'Issan 1986 Pleasant wine, but very much "luncheon claret" if not even "elevenses claret". OK, but a bit light for a classed growth. **
  • Mountadam Chardonnay 1990 One of the better bottles - more fruit than vegetables - or maybe I was just more receptive! **
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 28/05/1998   Return to top

Dinner at V&C 28/05/1998 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 28/05/1998   Return to top

White Burgundy 96 at OFW 27/05/1998 (TNB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 27/05/1998   Return to top

Wine group at Dougie's 25/05/1998 (TNB)

On the whole, the 88 clarets were showing very well: youthful, excellent ripe fruit, and while clearly well-structured a bit more welcoming than I would have expected.

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 25/05/1998   Return to top

Gang of Five 17/05/1998 (RJB)

And some extras ...
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 17/05/1998   Return to top

Baccahanalia's Cambridge Wine Fair 13/05/1998 (RJB)

Rather short notes from this tasting and the scores done rather quickly 'on the hoof'. This isn't the order I tasted them in - just the order on the tasting sheet. on looking through the notes, the reds don't seem to have shown as well as might be expected - perhaps the weather (hottish and dry) wasn't conducive.

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 13/05/1998   Return to top

09/05/1998 (RJB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 09/05/1998   Return to top

Aldo Conterno at Noel Young Wines 08/05/1998 (RJB)

Franco Conterno is getting around a bit - first Edinburgh and two days later, Cambridge. All these notes and scores were written before I had seen TNB's notes for 6/5/98

  • Chardonnay Printanie 1997 (13.49) Light spritz and quite a lot of lees contact obvious. Mineral falvours with an aniseedy alcoholic finish showing through. Difficult to judge (it has only been in bottle one month). *(*)
  • Chardonnay Bussiador 1996 (22.99) Loads of quite classy toasty oak, good acidity and reasonable concentration. Is there too much oak? *(*)
  • Dolcetto d'Alba 1996 (10.59) Herbs, black olive and berry fruit nose. Good acidity. Easy quaffing, but at a non-quaffing price. *
  • Barbera d'Alba 1994 (14.29) Raisiny reduced nose. Good food wine. **
  • Barolo Bussia Soprano 1994 (34.99) Well-toned easy Barolo for drinking now. Good effort for a poor vintage. ***
  • Barolo Colonnello 1993 (42.99) Lovely wine - floral and ethereal. Excellent balance and a slight, but pleasant fishiness (the powdery stuff that goes on crispy seaweed) at the finish. ***(*)
  • Barolo Romirasco 1993 (48.99) This should be better than the previous wine, but my advice would be to save yourself six pounds and go for the Colonnello. This has a watery feel to it compared with the Colonnello and quite high acidity. Still good wine, but ... **(*) plus
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 08/05/1998   Return to top

08/05/1998 (RJB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 08/05/1998   Return to top

Aldo Conterno at V&C 06/05/1998 (TNB)

Franco Conterno was a very good representative for the estate's wines, which are certainly very good, although their fashionability has driven the price pretty high! They do seem to have a very genuine commitment to quality - for example they made no Barolo at all in 92.
  • Langhe Chardonnay Printanie 1997 Very pure, unoaked chardonnay. Decent concentration and length. Attractive. ** (13.99)
  • Langhe Chardonnay Bussiador 1996 Bags of new oak, reasonably subtly applied. Quite good fruit and acidity, but the oak might come to dominate. ** (23.99)
  • Dolcetta D'Alba 1996 Not a blockbuster, but that slighly tannic nose (if such a thing is possible) of the thinking man's Beaujolais. ** (10.99)
  • Barbera 1995 Conca Tre Pile Lovely blackberry fruit, good length and a bit of structure added with barique aging. Very lovely. **(*) (14.99)
  • Barolo Bussia Soprano 1994 Old-fashioned colour, and warm cherry fruit. Soft palate. Clearly fairly early drinking. ** (34.99)
  • Barolo Bussia Soprano 1993 Again, quite evolved, but clearly more concentrated, and perhaps something extra to emerge. ***
  • Barolo Romirasco 1993 The only thing above the Bussia Soprano made in 93. Quite similar in style, but a bit richer and more concentrated. A top *** (55.00)
  • Barolo Vigna Colonello 1990 Very rich, gamey, and structured. Very striking, but I need to taste it again to evaluate it properly. Seems excellent. From a magnum. ***(*) (190.00/magnum)
Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 06/05/1998   Return to top

04/05/1998 (RJB)

Tasting notes added to Fine Wine Diary 04/05/1998   Return to top